Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Whew, what an exciting day! Anyone who knows me knows how much I absolutely adore Dr. Seuss. :) My class and I had such a great time with all of our activities today. One of my students even said, "Ms. Grider, can we please stay inside for recess today? Dr. Seuss' birthday is more important than playing outside." ...one happy teacher right here!

First, my students estimated how many Skittles there were in my "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" jar. There were estimates ranging from 80 all the way to 1,100! I put around 850 Skittles in the jar, so my student who guessed 1,100 won the entire jar of Skittles... I hope I don't have any angry parents! :) You can download the free riddle from my TpT store!

After lunch, we talked about setting new goals for the remainder of the school year, as well as lifelong goals my students have. At the beginning of the school year, my students set goals (mostly pertaining to reading), and they were ecstatic to have met the goals they set for themselves. Most of them even surpassed their goals!

My students never cease to amaze me. Anyway, they set new goals and we put them on the back of a hot air balloon that I copied onto plain white card stock.

After that, we used Mod Podge and tissue paper to decorate our hot air balloons. (We will be completing the bottom portion tomorrow morning and then I will hang them from the ceiling in our classroom.) My kids are incredibly talented! I'll post the final product as soon as we're finished.

Last, but not least, I gave my students their rainbow, Dr. Seuss-inspired cookies! I got the "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" cards from here! Aren't they adorable?!

Have a great day and remember to read a Dr. Seuss book tonight! :)

1 comment

  1. Wow! Thank you so much! I felt like I was right there in the class with the children.

    Lewis Cartee
